At The Growth House we’ve developed a programme specifically to build executive resilience and optimise performance.

Our bespoke programmes can be flexed for specific business needs. Our promise is that participants leave with tangible individual and collective commitments. We approach the topic with a programme that has 3 core ingredients.


We introduce the focus area and invite individuals to review their wellbeing and self-care across 9 key criteria in order to identify their strengths and work ons

Where am I?

Wellbeing Workshops Icons


We provide relevant expertise, insight and tools, sometimes using external speakers to inspire on specific focus areas eg physical health, prioritisation etc

What does great look like?

Sustainable Commitments


We make individual and collective commitments so that participants leave with a short list of meaningful and sustainable actions to take forward

How can I get better

Although each programme is bespoke and flexible. We do propose a recommended and proven sequence to the topics and behaviours we explore.


1. Wellbeing and Performance


2. understanding and managing stress


3. sleep, diet and hydration

Code of Conduct

4. energy, rest and boundaries

Strengths and Work ons

5. resilience and Psychological Safety

Mental Fitness and Focus

6. Mental Fitness and Focus

The Growth House ‘Resilience and Performance’ programme, is expertly led by Wellbeing expert and adventurer Vicki Anstey, whose hands-on approach to leadership and wellbeing has transformed executive teams in various industries.

Vicki Anstey


Vicki Anstey is an entrepreneur turned adventurer. She is a world record holder for ocean rowing, and a finalist of the hit tv show ‘SAS who dares wins’. She has also run 230km across the Arctic, and more recently become a world record holder for the ‘Ride across America’.

Vicki is an inspirational speaker on the topics of mental health, resilience and creating psychological safety.

She is also an experienced facilitator, bringing authenticity and expertise to workshops in equal measure. Despite being an elite athlete, she finds a way of connecting with all attendees irrespective of their sporting pedigree and experience. Vicki has helped to design this programme.

Effective management of our energy and a focus on self-care is essential to optimum individual and team performance.

Great people and teams work hard. Our wellness focus is not about working less hard. It’s about looking after yourself better and enabling individuals to switch off more effectively to enable rest and recovery.

switch on switch off

Self Care Audit

A way to assess wellbeing across nine key criteria

Physical health


How well am I sleeping?


How much exercise am I taking?


How good is my diet and hydration?

Mental health


How positive do I feel?


How well am I dealing with stressful situations?


How connected are my values to the purpose of my team and business?

Behavioural Health


How committed am I to improving my longterm wellbeing?


How clear am I on my wellbeing priorities?


How good am I at creating sustainable habits?

Reach out to us to discuss how our Resilience and Performance Programme can help your business make a bigger impact on the Wellbeing of your people


If we don’t make time for our wellness, we should prepare to make time for our illness.

Yet wellbeing is a topic often written off as soft and fluffy, or something that doesn’t need our immediate attention. Not by us at The Growth House. We have seen first-hand the positive impact prioritising wellbeing has on performance and believe that it should be an integral focus of all high performing teams.

Leaders and teams who prioritise wellbeing
· concentrate better
· are off work ill less
· have higher energy levels
· and deliver optimum performance for longer

“Ernst & Young estimate that illness, absence and stress contribute £3,300 of costs per employee annually – a figure growing at 1.4% every year.”

Taking the first step to putting you and your teams’ wellbeing up the priority list might feel daunting but there’s no need to fight on all fronts at first – just one small change can make a big difference.

Let’s focus on one often-overlooked component – hydration. How many of us power through a workday completely forgetting about our hydration.

Data shows that a mere 3% dip in hydration can lead to a 20% dip in cognitive function. The performance impact of that is significant. So, this January, why not try having a glass of water with every cup of coffee? A simple new habit which has real benefits in day-to-day outputs

As leaders, it’s up to us to ‘put our oxygen masks on first’ and lead from the front so why not commit to a wellbeing reset for you and your teams this year.

If you’re looking for support on getting started, The Growth House bespoke Wellbeing programmes, facilitated by entrepreneur and adventurer Vicki Anstey, raise awareness of where issues are, suggest effective behaviour changes and use tools to create sustainable wellness habits.

#wellbeing #newyeargoals #putyouroxygenmaskonfirst #healthandwellbeing #optimiseperformance #reset


How many of us talk a good game about the importance of health and wellness yet rarely prioritise taking care of ourselves?

Growth House speaker and Wellbeing programme lead, Vicki Anstey, believes it should be a key focus for us all:

‘It’s up to you to look after your wellbeing and no-one else. It’s not medicine’s responsibility to keep you well. It’s not your employer’s job. It’s up to you. If you say you don’t have time to focus on wellbeing, what are you making time for?’

Fellow Growth House speaker and wellness coach Dr Adam Carey reflects that many Executives he works with are unaware of how a lack of focus on wellbeing can effect performance.

Whilst a high proportion are sleep deprived, dehydrated, stressed, overweight and sedentary, very few realise that’s the case or the impact it’s having on their outputs. This lack of awareness also means many push the wrong buttons in trying to address the issue. As he explains:

‘80% of people think they eat well but they don’t. They therefore focus on exercise to lose weight. But the truth is you will never train your way out of a bad diet.’

To make any improvement, being honest about the current situation is a critical first step. By acknowledging where things are working and where they’re not, we can then take the right actions. A measurable baseline means you can see tangible, trackable results. If you measure it, you can make it better. The same is true of Wellbeing.

At The Growth House the first step of our Wellbeing Programme is an Audit we have developed to enable leaders and teams to get honest with themselves on their current situation. Delving into all the different areas of wellness, we work with you to identify limiting behaviours, then support with tools to create change and help to embed sustainable habits which will materially improve your wellbeing.

Small changes can make such big differences. Isn’t it time you asked yourself how well you really are?

#wellbeing #wellness #wellbeingaudit #healthandwellbeing


We often hear people saying that they’d die for their kids, but would they get really healthy for them?

Thinking about the long term wellbeing consequences of our current lifestyle choices might not be something you’ve thought about much but it’s worth taking a moment to consider.

We ask teams what kind of 70 year old they’d like to be during our Growth House Wellbeing Programme and the responses are strikingly consistent – fit, healthy, able to travel, an involved Grandparent, maxing out my retirement.

We’ve found that envisaging the shape in which you want to be in 20 or even 30 years’ time is a hugely useful tool when thinking about wellness. The follow-up discussion is whether your current lifestyle, physical and mental wellbeing are setting you up for that future. Identifying our longer-term purpose provides a powerful motivation and bridge to the lifestyle changes we need to make now to achieve the goal.

For me personally, reframing my thinking like this has been a game changer. I’d just turned 50 when Growth House Speaker Dr Adam Carey asked me this question. It was quite sobering when I realised that the trajectory I was on was not aligned with the vision of the future I had for myself.

Once I’d honestly reflected about where I was and the lifestyle changes needed to realise my long-term goal, I found it much easier to make those changes stick.

3 years on and 20kg lighter, I still work really hard, I still love a beer, but I also focus on my self care, my training, my rest and my recovery. The changes I’ve made have become sustainable habits, or unconscious competencies as Dr Adam Carey would say.

Don’t put off focusing on your wellbeing until it’s too late to make a difference.

#20yeargoals #wellbeing #lifestylechanges #healthandwellbeing #whatkindof70yearolddoyouwanttobe